
9 Dec

Satan vilken sjuk berättelse ändå. Stakars kille.
Jag tyckte att (filmen?) dokumentären var bra. Den väckte en del känslor. Men jag blev lite besviken eftersom i reklamen så byggde den upp att i sista halvtimme skulle något helt SJUKT hända. Men istället så kom ”det sjuka” sakta men säkert under filmens gång. Så, förvänta dig ingen bang i slutet. För det förstörde faktiskt.

Det handlar om en kille, Nav, som är en fotograf och som en dag blir brevvän med en flicka, Abby, som vill måla av hans fotografier. Allt eftersom skapar Nav kontakt med Abbys familj och börjar höras av allt mer med hennes halv stora syster Megan.

Dom använder sig av facebook och googlemaps riktigt snyggt under filmen.

Läste det här på imdb:
” This is not a documentary; at least a large part of it is not. The story has a lot of holes and you can catch the main guy acting, but there are also several technical give aways. This is supposedly shot with several cameras at the same time, all of varying sizes that produce various degrees of picture quality. One of them is of extremely high quality, very professional looking, and another looks like an ordinary small photo camera that happens to shoot video. At one point, we are supposed to believe we are looking from the angle of the cheap camera, yet the image is high quality!!! In a couple of places they used sound effects to help the story, and if they embellished the sound, you have to ask, what else did they embellish? I have used one of the cameras they have and when you are holding it and you move to place yourself in a better position, there’s a certain look to that movement. The way their camera moved looked completely fabricated and unnatural, just like ”Cloverfield”, trying to achieve the ”documentary” feel. In several spots, the lighting was just too good for something that was supposedly shot as it happened. The framing constantly looks heavily planned. There are some out of focus shots that are meant to suggest a ”raw footage” feel, but were obviously on purpose.”

Makes you wonder..


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